
19 oct. 2022

10h00 - 13h30


By offering personalized speed-meeting sessions, New Deal is a helpful tool designed to face the various challenges of promoting classical and creative music.
Two sessions of speed-meetings will take place on both 19 and 20 october, from 9:30am to 1:30pm.
Each meeting is 13 minutes-long. On average, over these two days, more than 800 meetings and artistic encounters take place.

14h15 - 15h15

Gender Equality :
an overview of public measures

Translated in English

14h30 - 16h00

Artist and territories


15h15 - 16h00

French institution presence : Crédit d’Impôt Spectacle Vivant (CISV)

16h15 - 17h15

Relationships between music publishers and composers, musicians, broadcasters

16h15 - 17h15

Workshop: The essential tools to manage and finance your business

Translated in English

14h30 - 15h15

International musical ecosystems : Luxembourg

15h20 - 16h05

International musical ecosystems : Pays-Bas

16h10 - 16h55

International musical ecosystems : Espagne

Le Coin des pros

10h00 – 16h30

This year, New Deal offers its participants speed-meetings with institutions and service companies. Take advantage of the presence of privileged interlocutors to ask your questions live!

Le Coin des pros

10h00 – 16h30

This year, New Deal offers its participants speed-meetings with institutions and service companies. Take advantage of the presence of privileged interlocutors to ask your questions live!

10h00 - 13h30


By offering personalized speed-meeting sessions, New Deal is a helpful tool designed to face the various challenges of promoting classical and creative music.
Two sessions of speed-meetings will take place on both 19 and 20 october, from 9:30am to 1:30pm.
Each meeting is 13 minutes-long. On average, over these two days, more than 800 meetings and artistic encounters take place.


14h15 - 15h15

Gender Equality :
an overview of public measures

15h15 - 16h00

French institution presence : Crédit d’Impôt Spectacle Vivant (CISV)


16h15 - 17h15

Workshop: The essential tools to manage and finance your business


Translated in English

14h30 - 16h00

Artist and territories




16h15 - 17h15

Relationships between music publishers and composers, musicians, broadcasters

Translated in English

14h30 - 15h15

International musical ecosystems : Luxembourg

15h20 - 16h05

International musical ecosystems : Pays-Bas

16h10 - 16h55

International musical ecosystems : Espagne

Translated in English


Perspectives on the sector of classical, jazz and contemporary music


20 oct. 2022

10h00 - 13h30


By offering personalized speed-meeting sessions, New Deal is a helpful tool designed to face the various challenges of promoting classical and creative music.
Two sessions of speed-meetings will take place on both 19 and 20 october, from 9:30am to 1:30pm.
Each meeting is 13 minutes-long. On average, over these two days, more than 800 meetings and artistic encounters take place.

Translated in English


The project SHIFT 


Music in multidisciplinary venues
Part 1: Music in multidisciplinary venues : Cross-diagnosis


Networking  : French and international promoters



Workshop: Musicians’ health


Music in multidisciplinary venues
Part 2 : French institutions presence – Measures to promote the presence of music in multi-disciplinary venues


How to secure career paths in the music sector?

Le Coin des pros

10h00 – 16h30

This year, New Deal offers its participants speed-meetings with institutions and service companies. Take advantage of the presence of privileged interlocutors to ask your questions live!

Le Coin des pros

10h00 – 16h30

This year, New Deal offers its participants speed-meetings with institutions and service companies. Take advantage of the presence of privileged interlocutors to ask your questions live!


10h00 - 13h30


By offering personalized speed-meeting sessions, New Deal is a helpful tool designed to face the various challenges of promoting classical and creative music.
Two sessions of speed-meetings will take place on both 19 and 20 october, from 9:30am to 1:30pm.
Each meeting is 13 minutes-long. On average, over these two days, more than 800 meetings and artistic encounters take place.


Translated in English


The project SHIFT 


Networking  : French and international promoters


Workshop: Musicians’ health


How to secure career paths in the music sector?


Music in multidisciplinary venues
Part 1: Music in multidisciplinary venues : Cross-diagnosis



Music in multidisciplinary venues
Part 2 : French institutions presence – Measures to promote the presence of music in multi-disciplinary venues

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